Project Overview

The Newark Riverfront Bicycle and Pedestrian Access Concept Development (CD) Study will address the need for safe pedestrian and bicycle access within the vibrant Downtown Newark area, adjacent to the New Jersey Performing Arts Center, high-rise office buildings, and Military Park among other popular destinations. This corridor experiences high volumes of vehicle and bus traffic, as well as a significant amount of pedestrian and bicyclist activity.   

The CD Study will consider bicycle and pedestrian mobility and safety improvements on Park Place/Center Street, from Broad Street to NJ 21, and on Broad Street, from Rector Street to Washington Place.

The study process will involve collaboration between various stakeholders including representatives from NJDOT, the City of Newark, the NJTPA (New Jersey Transportation Planning Authority), the Newark People’s Assembly, advocacy and community groups, colleges and universities, local schools, emergency service providers, transportation agencies and providers, business districts and local businesses, among others. The Study is also designed to facilitate and encourage public participation from Newark community members. 

What are the Components of a CD Study?

Community & Public Outreach – Winter 2023 to Autumn 2024 

The Project Team will prepare a public involvement action plan to outline the public participation process during the Study. Local officials, community stakeholders, and the public will have an opportunity to provide comments and questions throughout the Study. Stakeholders will assist with the following: 

  • Developing the project’s Purpose and Need Statement 
  • Developing Conceptual Alternatives 
  • Recommending a Preliminary Preferred Alternative based on the project’s Purpose and Need Statement 

Existing Conditions – Winter 2023-2024 

The Project Team will gather data including traffic conditions, crash data, local demographics, and environmental information for the CD Study to inform future recommendations. 

Developing the Purpose and Need Statement – Winter 2023-2024 

The Project Team will prepare a statement that explains the project’s Purpose and Need, as well as the goals and objectives. This statement will define the problem that needs to be addressed and describe other issues that need to be considered as part of the overall solution. 

Alternatives Analysis – Spring/Summer 2024 

The Project Team will consider possible conceptual alternatives to meet the Purpose and Need, and Goals and Objectives. Engineers will provide technical information for each alternative. The range of options, as possible conceptual alternatives, may include traffic signal upgrades, intersection and crossing improvements, bicycle lanes, signing and striping improvements, and geometric alternatives with possible alignment modifications. 

Local officials, community stakeholders, and the public will have an opportunity to contribute to the development of the alternatives. 

Final Recommendation – Autumn 2024 

Once the conceptual alternatives have been identified, the Project Team will incorporate data collected from public outreach, existing conditions, environmental screening, constructability, estimated costs and create an alternatives analysis matrix to recommend a preferred option, called a Preliminary Preferred Alternative (PPA).

The Team will develop a conceptual plan for the PPA as part of the final CD Report. Once the PPA receives a resolution of support from the City of Newark, and with concurrence from the Inter-Agency Review Committee (IRC), the project will move to the next phase, which is Preliminary Engineering. 

Project Progress

  • Collect existing conditions information (Winter 2023-2024)  
  • Develop project Purpose & Need (Winter 2023-2024)  
  • Develop and analyze Improvements (Alternatives Analysis) (Spring & Summer 2024)  
  • Present Preferred Alternative Recommendation (Autumn & Winter 2024)
  • Community Outreach (ongoing)

Preliminary Engineering (PE) Phase

Expected Timeframe: 2025+

Final Design (FD) Phase
