
  • ACHP: Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
  • CD Study: Concept Development Study 
  • DEP: Department of Environmental Protection
  • ESR: Environmental Screening Report
  • FD: Final Design  
  • FHWA: Federal Highway Administration 
  • IRC: Inter-Agency Review Committee  
  • NEPA: National Environmental Policy Act 
  • NJDEP: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
  • NJDOT: New Jersey Department of Transportation 
  • NJTPA: North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority 
  • PE: Preliminary Engineering  
  • PPA: Preliminary Preferred Alternative
  • SHPO: State Historic Preservation Office
  • SME: Subject Matter Expert

Project Progress

  • Collect existing conditions information (Winter 2023-2024)  
  • Develop project Purpose & Need (Winter 2023-2024)  
  • Develop and analyze Improvements (Alternatives Analysis) (Spring & Summer 2024)  
  • Present Preferred Alternative Recommendation (Autumn & Winter 2024)
  • Community Outreach (ongoing)

Preliminary Engineering (PE) Phase

Expected Timeframe: 2025+

Final Design (FD) Phase
